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Blog posts tagged with 'LA 600 cover'

News from NPE's Product Improvement Center: LA-1600 and LA-600 Covers


Spotlighting today in NPE’s PIC is our replacement mechanism cover for the problematic blue-faced LA-600 and LA-1600 circuit breakers. As we all know, this molded blue plastic cover is prone to breakage, cracking and/or other failures and it was later replaced by the gold (yellow zinc plated) steel cover in later versions of this breaker line.



                                                                   Cracked/Broken Plastic Faceplate


Our solution? A hand-made steel cover, painted blue and detailed with our house made labels! Guaranteed not to bend or break with normal use, this one and done solution has become very popular. Simply specify what frame size you need and if the breaker is electrically operated or manually operated and we will ship you a new cover within 24 hours. Quantities are limited so large orders may require additional time, but are well worth the wait.


NPE's Allis Chalmers/Siemens Allis LA-1600 and LA-600 Faceplate Cover New Aftermarket Parts List:

*OEM part number 18-657-346-537

*OEM part number 18-657-346-550

*OEM part number 18-657-346-523

*OEM part number 18-657-346-579



*Part numbers used to reference original OEM's for identification purposes only. They are not manufactured, endorsed or warrantied by OEM.



This is just one of the many solutions to day to day issues that NPE can help you with. For more, visit If you still don’t see what you are looking for, give us a call and we’ll try to custom engineer a solution for just for you. We make our aftermarket parts better, stronger and get them to you faster! Our motto is, "The right part, at the right price, right now!"


Watch for NPE’s next spotlight in our Product Improvement Center’s series of blogs.