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Blog posts tagged with 'used electrical equipment'

Maximizing Your ROI - How to Sell Your Surplus/Used Equipment to NPE

How to Sell Your Surplus/Used Equipment to NPE - What We Purchase


National Power Equipment, Inc. is a supplier of Air and Vacuum Circuit Breakers (ACB's and VCB's), related switchgear, primary switches and related parts including our much praised list of aftermarket parts. Founded in 1994 after having spent over 10 years in the market learning and watching what other companies based there success on, NPE was founded with the mantra "The right equipment, at the right price, right now!".



Focusing on brands like Westinghouse, General Electric, ITE/BBC/ABB, Allis Chalmers/Siemens Allis, Powell, Federal Pacific (FPE), Allen Bradley, Eaton, Cutler Hammer, Square D and other manufacturers, even Roller Smith!

Our focus is on commercial and industrial equipment rated 600 VAC through 15kV manufactured from the 1940's (yes, 1940's - you would be amazed at how much is still out there) through current production that is used in hospitals, government facilities and anywhere large amounts of electrical power is required. 

If you have equipment that has been decommissioned and you need to get your best return on investment (ROI), simply gather a list with nameplate information, quantities and photos if you have them, the more info the better. Send it to with "Equipment for Sale" in the subject line.





We will appraise your equipment based on current market value and condition. All you have to do is securely package the equipment and load onto our truck and we will mail you a check. It's that simple!



Used Switchgear Market Growth Forecast


Traditionally, the used equipment industry and especially the market for used switchgear has been thought of as being counter recessionary. The common wisdom being, customers will spend money to maintain and upgrade old equipment rather than buy new to save money and to avoid the long lead times associated with purchasing and installing new switchgear.

Recent growth in manufacturing and our economy has changed this dynamic and now used switchgear, circuit breakers and parts have seen a surge in sales that looks to continue well into the future. We see the driving forces behind the growth as:

  • Increased demand for products pushes manufacturers to restart old production lines and push them to new limits.
  • Much of the switchgear that powers these lines are no longer supported by the original manufacturer because of the planned obsolescence. This creates increased demand for used and aftermarket solutions. NPE AFTERMARKET PARTS
  • Used and aftermarket solutions are typically 40-60% less expensive than purchasing new equipment, and they are available much faster and generally carry the same or better warranty as new. To add to this, the fact that personnel are already familiar with how this switchgear operates and you have a win-win scenario.
  • Increased cash flow from the economic upturn allows for maintenance and upgrades that had been previously deferred.
  • Regular maintenance and testing of switchgear and breakers will increase the life span of the equipment by decades. Older technology can be easily upgraded with options like arc flash protection, ground fault and communications. All these factors will reduce down-time and unscheduled outages.
  • For Field Service Specialist - servicing switchgear that has been obsoleted by the manufacturer will also serve as an opportunity for companies to provide other equipment and other services that field engineers can alert them to. Having your people in a plant, actively promoting your products is the best advertising you can get. 
  • Older switchgear can be repaired and upgraded to meet new demand. Many of the new products are sealed and unable to be repaired. As a result, repairs or upgrades that would cost a few hundred or few thousand dollars, and cannot be performed and users are forced to discard equipment and purchase new replacements for tens of thousands of dollars and potentially long lead times. 
  • Many customers are realizing that planned obsolescence will also render new installations of the latest whizz-bang technology obsolete, the same way their current equipment has been treated. Maintaining and upgrading current equipment just makes sense.

The bottom line is that just as a rising tide raises all boats, as the economy grows and thrives, so will the demand for used equipment dealers like National Power Equipment, where our motto is, "The right equipment, at the right price, right now!" Whether you are an end user, in the repair industry or a dealer, we strongly recommend you prepare for double digit growth in 2021 and the years that follow.