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Blog posts tagged with 'westinghouse'

News from the NPE Product Improvement Center: Westinghouse DHP Fifth Wheel

DHP Fifth Wheel/Turning Dolly

 OEM: 677C889G01


Our latest additon to the NPE Aftermarket Parts/Tool List is the Fifth Wheel/Turning Dolly accessory for withdrawing, installing and moving all breakers except 150DHP750C and 150DHP1000 breakers.







This part and all of NPE's New Aftermarket Parts are available online at or through your normal purchasing channels. We have "The right part, at the right price, right now!"

SKU: 100003738 

OEM: 677C889G01

Part number used to reference original OEM's for identification purposes only. They are not manufactured, endorsed or warrantied by OEM.

Westinghouse DB Single Position vs. Three Position Circuit Breakers

Westinghouse made a design change to the DB circuit breaker line about mid-way through production with the addition of a "test position" for the circuit breaker while it is in the switchgear. The original design, now designated "single position" only had a provision for the breaker to be secured in the cell while it was engaged to the primary buss stabs. Once withdrawn from the buss stabs the breaker would simply slide out of the cell on its rails. The new improved "three position" breaker and switchgear had a provision for the breaker to be engaged on the buss stabs, withdrawn from the buss stabs but in a stable locked "test" position on the rails or disengaged to be withdrawn. This new test position allowed for safer lockouts during service among other things.

One of the most common questions we ask people when they are looking for a DB vintage circuit breakers and parts is, "is it a single or three position breaker?" If a photo of the breaker isn't available, and because it isn't listed on the nameplate, there are a series of questions we've developed to help identify the breaker style, assuming they have seen the breakers.






                                                                                    DB Single Position



                                                                                         DB 3 Position




The most obvious question is "does it have a movable or fixed escutcheon (faceplate)?". The three position breakers all had movable escutcheons so the switchgear door could be closed with the breaker in the test position.




If that doesn't help, the next question is "how does the breaker close and trip?". This works for about 99.5% of DB-15, DB-25 and DB-50 breakers. Single position breakers close by turning the handle clockwise a quarter turn and trip by turning the handle counter clockwise. Three position breakers close by turning the handle clockwise and trip by pressing a rectangular trip button directly above the handle. 


For larger frame DB-75 and DB-100 breakers, which are all electrically operated, you need to look for the movable escutcheon plate vs. a flat front, or when looking at the cell, the window in the door is much smaller on a three position, approximately 5" x 7" whereas the single position is wider and taller to expose the whole front faceplate of the breaker.


Stationary/fixed mount breakers are always single position.

When someone needed a replacement breaker for a single position during the "three position breaker era", Westinghouse would modify a three position breaker to what we call a "new style single position", it used the same handle as a three position, but they added a round trip button at about 2 o'clock above the handle. This accounts for the other 0.5%.


Other things to know...

There was an option for three position breakers to have a "spring assist" mechanism. This spring greatly aided the speed at which the breaker would close. This is available for DB-15, DB-25 and DB-50 only. Non-spring assist 3 position breakers are interchangeable. DBL(fused) breakers are always three position.

Field breakers designated DBF-6 and DBF-16 are usually three position, but it's worth double checking. Single position field breakers would normally be designated DB-25F and DB-50F.

Field modifications by end-users are always a possibility. I saw one line-up of single position breakers that an engineer had modified by removing the series overcurrent trips and bolting fuses in their place. Without single phase protection, the breaker had no way to trip and the fault on one phase cascaded up to the main, but by then it had also caught on fire! When in doubt, pictures are the best solution. 

News from NPE's Product Improvement Center: Westinghouse/Eaton/Cutler Hammer SJA/SJS Close Coil


OEM #'s:



Today, we are spotlighting the Westinghouse/Eaton/Cutler Hammer Vacuum Starter Close Coil 110/120V. This part which has been custom manufactured through an exclusive contract with NPE. It is available from stock in limited quantities



This part and all of NPE's New Aftermarket Parts are available online at or through your normal purchasing channels. We have the "The right part, at the right price, right now!"

Part number used to reference original OEM's for identification purposes only. They are not manufactured, endorsed or warrantied by OEM.


Are Westinghouse, Square D and Eaton Cutler Hammer Breakers Compatible?

For Industrial and Commercial Sized Circuit Breakers

Most manufacturing plants, government and commercial facilities rely on electrical equipment that is no longer supported by the OEM. This planned obsolescence requires you to find a reputable source for remanufactured air or vacuum circuit breakers or aftermarket breaker and switchgear parts that match your equipment.

In most instances, breakers that are manufactured by one OEM are not physically compatible to swap out with another but there is one notable exception – the DS line of air circuit breakers.

Eaton Cutler Hammer, Square D, and Westinghouse Breaker Compatibility

Originally, the DS line of air circuit breakers was manufactured by Westinghouse Electric Company. That product line was then sold to Square D and then later to Eaton and Cutler Hammer. Each company changed labels and upgraded trip units to the latest technology of the day, but other than that the products remained interchangeable. This level of continuity can make DS air circuit breakers interchangeable with the right parts.



Of course, that’s just the beginning of the search. Even with compatibility, you will still need to match model numbers, trip units, controls, and accessories to determine which breakers and parts are a viable replacement for your needs. For that, you will need a knowledgeable dealer like NPE to sort through all the variables.

NPE has shelves lined with hundreds of DS circuit breakers and thousands of used and aftermarket parts and we will be happy to find a cost-effective solution to whatever your issue is. Contact us today or go to and let NPE’s online tool guide you through the process and submit your request. 

Old FPE and Westinghouse Parts Compatibility

One of the more interesting aspects of our market is the history of the equipment and how it has changed over the years. While most of those changes were technological, some revolved around the people behind the scenes. One in particular that comes to mind, was a group of design engineers that had left the Westinghouse Corporation and went to Federal Pacific Equipment. While the story has certainly has been passed from mouth to mouth over the years, it does have some evidence to back it up. As told to me, it goes like this:


Back in the era of the Westinghouse DB 25 single position circuit breaker, a group of design engineers left the old bar W and went over to FPE. With their designs fresh in their heads, they used much of it to design the old FPE DMB circuit breaker product line. The similarities between the two are obvious. Westinghouse manufactured the DB 25 and the DB 50, etc. FPE’s new product line was called the DMB 25 and the DMB 50, etc. Both of these manufacturers used similar technology and materials for their parts, for example, pole base insulators and arc chutes but the similarities continued to the point that some of the parts are physically interchangeable! In particular, parts like secondary disconnects, control relays, shunt trips and a few others.





    Westinghouse vs. FPE Shunt Trip                                 Westinghouse vs. FPE Secondary


               If you happen to have this FPE switchgear in your facility and you are having a difficult time locating the parts to maintain it, give us a call at 800-647-0815 or send us an email to  and we will show you parts that are much more common to the market (and less expensive) and how they can be used to keep your equipment up and running for many more years of reliable service.


As we say at NPE- that’s what we’re here for!