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Making the Most of your Downtime

    While production has come to a halt due to COVID-19 shutdowns, the demand for most products has not. It's simply building up like a balloon that is ready to burst when we get the green light to return to work. Make the most of this downtime and take advantage of this great opportunity to do some unscheduled maintenance on your equipment.

     Many production lines shut down during the holidays when employees are not there. If your production has halted, now is a good time to call in contractors to test and provide preventative maintenance (PM). This will assure you that, when you are able to go back to work, everything will run flawlessly and you will be able to meet the pent-up demand that is building right now. In addition, many contractors are slow right now, so this a good time to negotiate lower labor rates!

     While NPE does not provide field service, we do work closely with contractors and maintenance departments nationwide and we stand ready to supply whatever is needed.




    After all, our motto is - The right equipment, at the right price, right now!



      (click for catalog)


Nameplates...they are only part of the answer and sometimes misleading.


     When confronting an issue with switchgear and circuit breakers, most people think that supplying nameplate information, for instance, the model and serial numbers, that it will be sufficient enough to get an accurate quote and spec on a replacement breaker or part. Often, this is not the case. Here is why:

  • Model numbers are often general designations for the product line and they do not detail things like manual versus electric mechanisms, continuous current or trip sizes and function. For example, these K-1600 nameplates provide the same basic information but the breakers they are associated with are not interchangeable, one is manually operated and the other electrically operated and neither addresses the fact that the trip units have been changed to an aftermarket AC Pro unit.



  • Serial numbers are rarely traceable by anyone other than the OEM, many of which have gone out of business. At best, it will take days or even weeks to trace and won't include modifications made in the field since it was manufactured.


  • Some breakers have more than one nameplate, a good example of this are the Allis Chalmers horizontal drawout air circuit breakers, (e.g. MA-250/FC-500). If the breaker is in the switchgear, the nameplate on the front only provides you with the model number and frame size. The second nameplate, which is located on the side of the breaker above the right rear wheel, provides the details of the mechanism type, the control voltage and the wiring information.




                                                                                               Breaker Nameplate                          Mechanism Nameplate



  • Often the details and accessories are not noted at all on nameplates. Bell alarms, undervoltage trip devices and other accessories are rarely detailed anywhere but on the wiring diagram which is often not readily available and could have changed since the original installation.


  • Sometimes nameplates are simply wrong. A recent customer called and asked how it could be that a 5kV breaker could have been in service on a 15kV line for years without a single problem. We told them that it did not sound possible. Further investigation showed that an incorrect nameplate had been installed at some point in the past.


      So what is the solution? Contact someone who has had years of hands-on experience and deals with these issues every day, like the team at National Power Equipment - Supply them with more information than you think is needed...model numbers, control voltages, frame sizes and photos...lots of photos with good resolution to retain clarity (1mb or larger). The front (with the door open), the back and the sides as well as photos of the nameplate and trip unit. You can also use NPE's handy mobile website, This website was created to guide you through detailed questions and answers or allow you to enter basic info and also enables you to upload photos. The RFQ's assure you that you will get the right answer to your problem as quickly as possible with the least amount of hassle.


NPE - where our motto is "The right equipment, the right price, right now!" 

News from NPE's Product Improvement Center: Westinghouse/Eaton/Cutler Hammer SJA/SJS Close Coil


OEM #'s:



Today, we are spotlighting the Westinghouse/Eaton/Cutler Hammer Vacuum Starter Close Coil 110/120V. This part which has been custom manufactured through an exclusive contract with NPE. It is available from stock in limited quantities



This part and all of NPE's New Aftermarket Parts are available online at or through your normal purchasing channels. We have the "The right part, at the right price, right now!"

Part number used to reference original OEM's for identification purposes only. They are not manufactured, endorsed or warrantied by OEM.


News from NPE's Product Improvement Center: FPE DST-2 Open/Close Indicator Assembly


OEM #: 118948/2


Today, we are spotlighting the Federal Pacific DST-2 Medium Voltage Open/Close Indicator Assembly, also known as the "smiley face indicator" for obvious reasons. This fragile, plastic indicator often cracks or shatters through the normal opening and closing of the breaker, increasing downtime and maintenance costs.

Our replacement part is handmade in our custom plastics lab with modern materials and it is fiber reinforced







This part is often sold with our DST-2 Close/Trip Knob which features a solid plastic knob rather than the hollow one that is originally supplied with the breaker




The two above products are considered to be "one and done" solutions, increasing reliablilty and decreasing downtime and maintenance costs.

These parts can ordered online or through your normal purchasing channels. They are available from stock in limited quantities or with short lead times on larger orders.

Just another example of how NPE supplies "The right part, at the right price, right now!"

Part number used to reference original OEM's for identification purposes only. They are not manufactured, endorsed or warrantied by OEM.

News from NPE's Product Improvement Center: ITE HK/VHK/K-Line Control Relay Bodies


OEM #: 191921T0(3-14)


Today, we are spotlighting the control relay bodies for HK/VHK and all the electrically operated K-Line Breakers (K-225 through K-4000).

This fragile plastic molding often cracks, chips or breaks when the breaker is handled outside of the cell. NPE's fiber reinforced replacement moldings are meant to be a cost-effective alternative to purchasing an entire relay. Maintenance personnel simply swap the internal parts from the broken relay to the new molding, saving time and money.

Please specify which half of the molding you are replacing, the coil half or the mounting base




These and other ITE/BBC/ABB breaker parts can be found and purchased on our website at or through your normal purchasing channels. Where we prove every daym that NPE is where you can find "The right part, at the right price, right now!"

Part number used to reference original OEM's for identification purposes only. They are not manufactured, endorsed or warrantied by OEM.