Making the Most of your Downtime
-Friday, April 17, 2020
While production has come to a halt due to COVID-19 shutdowns, the demand for most products has not. It's simply building up like a balloon that is ready to burst when we get the green light to return to work. Make the most of this downtime and take advantage of this great opportunity to do some unscheduled maintenance on your equipment.
Many production lines shut down during the holidays when employees are not there. If your production has halted, now is a good time to call in contractors to test and provide preventative maintenance (PM). This will assure you that, when you are able to go back to work, everything will run flawlessly and you will be able to meet the pent-up demand that is building right now. In addition, many contractors are slow right now, so this a good time to negotiate lower labor rates!
While NPE does not provide field service, we do work closely with contractors and maintenance departments nationwide and we stand ready to supply whatever is needed.
- Inventory of thousands of circuit breakers and parts
- General Electric Magneblast Bottle Repotting
- New and improved aftermarket parts collection
- Technical Support - NPE goes the extra mile to support field services
After all, our motto is - The right equipment, at the right price, right now!