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Available 24/7 (800) 647-0815


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SE 100 Operating Handle

Replacement operating handle for 5 and 15 kv type SE 100S load break switches.
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Aftermarket 120V replacement close coil for Eaton/Cutler Hammer and Westinghouse vacuum contactors. Call for 220V. **800 amp require 2 coils.
(800) 647-0815 phone icon

SST-ECS Ground Defeat Cable

Replacement ground defeat cable.
(800) 647-0815 phone icon

Sytek Security Key

Security key for programming Sytek "Smart Trip" solid state trip units.
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VAD 2 Secondary and Bracket

Replacement secondary disconnect and bracket for old-style VAD2.
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VB/VB1 Indicator Tape

Replacement indicator tape for VB or VB1 breakers. Metal with label.
(800) 647-0815 phone icon

VB/VB1 Secondary Disconnect Block (breaker side)

Reinforced breaker side secondary disconnect block without contacts.
(800) 647-0815 phone icon

VB/VB1 Secondary Disconnect Block Contact Removal Tool

Tool used to remove contacts for VB/VB1 Secondary Disconnect Block.