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The staff at NPE is comprised of a dynamic group of individuals who not only excel at their individual responsibilities but also compliment and work together like a well-oiled machine or a properly adjusted breaker.


KEN PRINCE - President/NPE Founder

Ken started in the switchgear business in 1983 and grew with the business until he made the break to start NPE in 1994. He is motivated by a strong desire to help customers solve issues by using his extensive hands on training and relationships he has developed with other experts in the industry. He can be reached directly at


Starting in 1999, Dave has used his experience and talents to learn the nuts and bolts of the breaker world which has carried him to a management and sales position. He knows how to get things done and has grown to be respected for his technical know-how and integrity. He can be reached directly at


She joined NPE in 2005. Robin makes NPE shine. As our Office Manager, her duties not only include day to day issues but she also handles advertising and our graphics. She is a one stop shop for custom replacement labels, from Close/Trip stickers to any graphic/label, that will make your rebuilds look brand new.  If you need to contact Robin, she can be reached directly at